n-Space removes Heroes of Ruin post from their Facebook page

I went back to n-Space’s Facebook page after seeing the art they posted on their upcoming game Heroes of Ruin, hoping to find more information, but I was a bit surprised at what I found. I think n-Space got a little too excited over their next game and revealed it earlier than Square Enix would have liked because the post has been removed. Now when you got to n-Space’s Facebook page you are greeted to a status update they did right before the reveal.

I hope Square Enix isn’t too peeved!…

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n-Space teases Hereos of Ruin for 3DS

I wouldn’t expect a collaboration between n-Space and Square Enix, but that’s exactly what’s happening with the new 3DS game Heroes of Ruin. n-Space teased the game today through their Facebook page. The company posted “Square Enix + 3DS” with the image you see above (which you can see a full version of after the break).

Besides the somewhat generic name, image, and developers involved, we didn’t get anymore information. Coming from both n-Space and Square Enix I expect a certain level of quality, so I’m excited to see more about the game. It seems like I’m required to say “we’ll see more at E3″ for just about every story now, but it’s true. A lot of companies tease …

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